Advice For Newbies On How To Pick A Good Topic For A Junior Research Paper

Picking a topic is the hardest thing when you are deciding what to write for a research paper. There are many things that should be thought about before you decide what topic to use for your research paper. Here is some advice for newbies on how to pick a good topic for junior research paper:

  • Use the brainstorming techniques in order to find a topic. This means set the clock for 2 minutes and just start writing topics according to the subject. Hopefully you can get your topic down to about 10 of them and then narrow down the topic from them. With the 10 topics you have in front of you, eliminate a few that may have a hard time finding some research information. Look over the research material and get rid of the ones that don’t have a lot of material. Narrow it down to about 6 or so. Once you have that many, think about your audience and eliminate a few of them that may not interest your audience at all. Hopefully you can narrow it down to at least 3. If you can get it down to three topics, you choose the one that you think interests you the most. It is known that the one that you are interested in the most will usually produce the best paper.
  • Now that you have a topic, you must begin researching. Researching is one of the most important things in your paper. Research as much as you can and try to come up with a topic sentence. Use the topic sentence and make sure that you research more once you have that and keep your research organized.
  • Make sure you create an outline. This is extremely important because it helps organize your thoughts and bring about your important ideas. Start with your introduction and then list all of your important supporting documents. This way you won’t forget anything and you will have nice flow and great transitions. After that create your conclusion as well.
  • Create your rough draft according to your “roadmap” from your outline. This will assure you all of your information is in your paper. Also have someone you trust read the draft and offer some information so that.
  • Edit your final work, make sure the citation style is in the professor’s style as requested and finish your draft.

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